Monday, July 18, 2011


He's gone, dead, deceased yet not forgotten. He whom I spoke of in this blog so many times has passed away. Yes, my ex-boyfriend is gone. He was killed in a motor cycle accident on June 17th; he wasn't wearing his helmet. We spoke that same week and he had said he was feeling confused regarding "us" and didn't know what to do. I told him I would make it easy for him and told him I would not return to him. I do not regret telling him the truth and I left no words left unsaid to him nor to you. The betrayal was when he chose to not wear a helmet and left behind four children who loved him very much. His dreams and goals were left in the wind and within my grasp. We shared peace, love and poetry and it all gathered within our thoughts. Our goals were interchangeable as were our dreams. Leave no words left unsaid.